Meeting Etiquette


Sharing a few Meeting Etiquette, which certainly can append a value to professional meetings.

  1. Give a transitory look to the Business Card while receiving it.

This can be a delicate approach to acknowledge the name, designation and the brand, connected to an individual. This way, you are respecting the years of efforts he has implanted to reach here.

  1. Mobile phones to be kept upside down on the Table during the meetings

If you refrain yourself to keep the mobiles in pockets/bags, then the finest & feasible way of placing them is on the meeting table. However, it should always be kept upside down with silent mode on(only screen light & not vibrator).It solely means that you don’t allocate distractions during the professional meetings.

  1. Laptop Battery Backup

In case, the laptop will be playing a chief role in the meeting; assure to get it equipped with a full battery or if…

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